International Essay Competition 2007
Center for International Enterprise (CIPE) gives opportunity to young people to share their ideas about citizenship, democratic and market-oriented reform, youth leadership, and the ways that his/her country can create avenues for youth to participate in the political and economic spheres.
A $ 1,000 honorarium will be given for each winning essay (9 in total).
Students and young professionals aged 18-30 are eligible to
participate. Special weight will be given to essays submitted by citizens of non-OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries.
Topic Categories
• Entrepreneurship and Leadership
• Educational Reform and Employment Opportunities
• Citizenship in a Democratic Society
Formatting Guidelines
• All essays must be written in English.
• All essays must be original and unpublished.
• Word count: 2,000-4,000.
• Indicate the essay’s category on the cover page.
• Provide full contact info on the cover page, including citizenship.
All essays must be submitted by May 31, 2007.
For further information visit
A $ 1,000 honorarium will be given for each winning essay (9 in total).
Students and young professionals aged 18-30 are eligible to
participate. Special weight will be given to essays submitted by citizens of non-OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries.
Topic Categories
• Entrepreneurship and Leadership
• Educational Reform and Employment Opportunities
• Citizenship in a Democratic Society
Formatting Guidelines
• All essays must be written in English.
• All essays must be original and unpublished.
• Word count: 2,000-4,000.
• Indicate the essay’s category on the cover page.
• Provide full contact info on the cover page, including citizenship.
All essays must be submitted by May 31, 2007.
For further information visit
Labels: Opportunities for Youth
Dommage que ça soit en Anglais !!!
@ Sword: Je comprend ta deception, mais il est important que tu réalises que la langue française bien que ça soit la langue disons qui a berçé notre enfance,que nous dominions le plus, elle est limitée dans le sens ou elle n'ouvre que trés peu de portes et donne un nombre trés reduit d'opportunités à ceux qui ne franchissent pas le pas vers l'Anglais, voir l'Espagnol ou l'Allemand.
Donc tu vois un peu ce qu'il te reste à faire...:)
à chaque fois que je vois un texte qui à l'air interessent en anglais nitnarviz ! :( un petit debrifieng en francais steupl !
@Mils: Pour un fort en calcul c'est dommage que la langue de Sheakspare ne t'inspire pas.
Sinon c'est juste un concours pour selectionner des contributions de jeunes sur des themes liés à la citoyeneté, l'education, l'esprit d'entreprise et le leadership...Dommage que les contributions doivent etre en Anglais !!!
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